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Christmas Potpourri Wreath


Well I finally got back on the wagon and completed my first Christmas project! It was so easy and super cheap (the best kind of projects!) All you need is a wreath base and a bag of potpourri. Oh, and a glue gun, can't forget that. Here is what I started with.

I got the wreath at JoAnn's with a 40% off coupon and found the bag of potpourri at ROSS. After I brought them home I opened the bag and spread out the contents into a baking pan (this helped from making a mess). 

After that, just start glueing away. I started with some bigger pieces and then filled from there. Just follow what you like! I loved the way it turned out. The icing on the cake? It smells amazing! Not only do you get an adorable wreath to add to your decor but you get the potpourri smell with it. 

Here is the final look. (I made up a quick mantel so you can see how it would look with other decor). 

One last tip. I used the ribbon that was used to close the potpourri bag to hang the wreath! It worked perfectly. I am in love with this and all the color possibilities you can do. So excited to start this Christmas season! 

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