01 02 03 Perfecting the Homefront: Entryway Nook with Vintage Bench 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Entryway Nook with Vintage Bench

Do you ever go searching for something in particular and run across something else that you can't pass up? For me, All.The.Time! I was out hunting for doilies of all things for a project I am working on for my sisters baby shower (which I will share later). I went to some of my favorite antique stores in my area and came across this little bench. It was love at first sight! I knew exactly where I would put it if I were to buy it.  I held my breath and looked at the price tag and YAY it was a great deal! I actually walked around the store really thinking about it because again, I was not out looking for a bench. I almost walked away. I decided to go look at it one more time and what can I say, I couldn't leave it there. I have thought about adding a bench or chair to this little space to finish it off but I never really looked for a piece to put there. I knew as soon as I saw it that it would fit there perfectly and I loved the antique finish on it. It was perfect! Let me show you. 

I haven't changed much on the mantle except adding these beautiful flowers I picked up at the grocery store. I have no idea what those orange ones are but I love them! I placed them in this ironstone pitcher I recently received from a friend. The sign is from an adorable shop on etsy called Down Grace Lane and she is the sweetest. I love her signs! 

On the bench I placed a pillow from Parris Chic Boutique (also from etsy), a blanket my grandma made me awhile ago, and some lovely pumpkins I got from a pumpkin patch. 

The bench itself is so beautiful. It is wonderfully distressed and a great new addition to my home. 

I kind of have this thing with nooks and little vignettes. They are my favorite thing to decorate and they help my house feel like a home. I love finding the perfect piece! I am so happy with this little space in my home now and I can't wait to continue to change up this little space. For now I will enjoy it decked out for the fall season. So what do you think of my little vintage bench? Do you often buy things that you aren't out looking for? Tell me I am not alone! I would love to hear from you so feel free to leave a comment and make sure you follow along with me on Instagram. Of course as always, thank you for stopping by this little blog of mine! 

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