I love this print from Dear Lillie that was sent to me a couple of weeks ago. It definitely feels like my motto this year and I really need to find a great space for it to go. This year we will be sailing some storms for sure. This is the year of IVF. I get so nervous even writing that! I finally fought my nerves and called and made my first appointment to begin the process. Ahhhhh you guys I am so so nervous!! I honestly have no idea what to expect and how things are going to turn out.
Let me give you a quick rundown if you haven't followed me before. I have Pre-ovarian failure which means that I do not have any eggs and I deal with menopausal symptoms for my entire life. I deal with hot flashes, bone loss, low energy, etc. Since I don't have eggs of my own I have to use a donor. I should be able to carry a baby but I have to use eggs from another person and implant them into me. This makes the price about double because I not only pay for my meds I have to do the same for the
"The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still"
This will be a bit of a long process so it will still be awhile before we do the actual procedure. My husband and I both need to go through some tests. We have to see a lawyer with our donor, she has to see a counselor and be tested. It will definitely take some time which is why they suggested we start at the first part of the year. We probably won't do the procedure until the fall but at least that will give us plenty of time to get our ducks in a row and to try to save as much money as we can because it will be EXPENSIVE.
I am not sure what to expect and how much I will be sharing but here is to the beginning of hopefully getting everything we always wanted! We could use all the prayers and happy thoughts you can send our way this year and thank you for following along on this little journey of ours.